Our carbon approach
We ensure projects have a tangible impact on Nature, climate, and the livelihoods of communities, recognizing that these three elements must work together for long-term project success.
Reduction measures are crucial for fighting climate change. Nevertheless, when they are not subject to regulatory constraints (e.g., EU ETS), companies naturally begin to implement the cheapest emissions reduction measures. Today most firms are only at the beginning of the net zero journey. By investing in high-quality nature-based carbon removal projects, companies can finance projects that have significant structural impact on the climate.
We need removal. The United Nations IPCC has estimated that 100 to 1000 gigatons of CO2 will need to be removed from the atmosphere over the 21st century to reach the Paris Agreement 1.5° target.
We need to accelerate. The gap between the offer and the demand of high-quality removal credits keeps growing: it could be as high as 50 MtCO2 (half the forecasted demand, according to McKinsey) by 2030.
aDryada projects generate only certified carbon credits (Verra VCS or Gold Standard) and start the certification process during the development phase.
We measure carbon sequestration in line with carbon credit methodologies (e.g., Verra VCS, Gold Standard etc.): On a representative parcel of the forest, we measure the diameter and height of trees to produce the tree volume from which we can measure the carbon captured.
aDryada prevents any additionality issues by focusing on projects where biodiversity preservation and rewilding is the main objective and on Nature-based sequestration projects where carbon credits are the most important source of revenue (>80%).
aDryada develops removal projects (reforestation, afforestation, ecosystem restoration) in which there is little room for inflated baselines. Moreover, aDryada favors certification methodologies with dynamic baselines to mitigate all risks of overestimation.
aDryada ensures that the activities carried out on the land before the start of the restoration project – often of an agricultural type – are not moved outside the project zone, leading to degradation of the surrounding lands.
To ensure long-term sequestration, aDryada does three things:
- signs long-term contracts (at least 40 years) with the landowners. When these landowners are public authorities, these are mainly concession contracts. At the end of the project, aDryada favors the creation of national parks or sustainably managed forests.
- reduces human pressure on the reforestation area by implementing a strong and long-term social plan – including sharing income with local communities and the development of new economic activities that respect the environment and generate new incomes (monitoring of the forest, agroforestry, eco-tourism, etc.),
- plants mainly native species to increase the resilience of the new forest – especially regarding fire.
aDryada negotiates with governments (e.g., concession for a minimum of 40 years) or private companies (land rental or acquisition) a clear status of land ownership or usufruct, respecting local communities and traditional land use practices.
When aDryada purchases land for a project, we give the land back to the host country at the end of the project in the form of a national park.
Local communities are the most important partners of aDryada’s projects, without their support, there is no project. aDryada goes beyond risk-mitigation and global guidelines (IFC PS, ILO), instead actively pursuing social benefits by enhancing the resilience and independence of local communities’ economic livelihoods.
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent is the starting point for each social strategy and local communities are consulted at each stage.
Throughout the project, local communities see direct revenues from three different sources:
- jobs offered by employment in the restoration process (planting, park maintenance),
- a fair portion of the revenues generated from the sale of carbon credits, at a rate negotiated beforehand,
- sustainable activities in and related to the project site (e.g. mushroom cultivation, timber, eco-tourism).
In addition to compliance with biodiversity standards (CCB), aDryada applies rules above the highest standards to preserve and restore Nature. This involves mitigating human pressures in all the projects, and then deploying a targeted strategy focused on the core restoration zone, where we aim to attain the species composition, structure, and dynamics of the reference ecosystem (for example, a neighboring forest). We prioritize implementing practices recommended by local experts. Progress towards the reference ecosystem is measured using the Society for Ecological Restoration methodology guidebook.
Beyond this, aDryada wants to anticipate future market requirements in terms of biodiversity, and for this, the company created and leads the Organization for Biodiversity Certificates, bringing together leaders in biodiversity conservation.
aDryada selects local partners highly recognized for forestry, biodiversity and social mitigation. aDryada verifies:
- compliance and local reputation,
- their knowledge of local forestry and farming practices, and whether they are trusted by local communities,
- if they apply a socially responsible and sustainable process, in accordance with international requirements, customs, traditions and local land use practices. This also includes work safety and management rules. If necessary, aDryada works together with local partners to attain the necessary quality-levels.
Working with governments prevents double-counting. aDryada works with governments to determine whether the host country wishes to sell carbon credits to other countries, if so, we ensure it follows Article 6 rules.
A cutting-edge monitoring and reporting system based on a layered approach mixing field inventories, drone & satellite data is supported by our Celestree platform. It ensures robust, accurate and frequent data used both for managing operations and reporting to carbon standards, offtakers & investors.
We generate carbon credits to the highest market standards